12 self-reflection questions for 2021 connecting the heart & mind

Years ago, drawing the curtains on a year filled me with conflict.  One half of me would limp over the finish line flooded with relief.  The other half would armour up like an SAS recruit ready to combat the dread of another 365 days in survival mode. My mind wanting the year over before it had even begun.

I realise now, I had totally lost sight of the pricelessness & finite nature of time.

Today, wishing time away is a red flag for my life being out of whack. 

It’s my trigger I’ve become caught up in the doing & lost sight of my being. I need reminding, a life led with integrity is a life that prioritises what I value most.

A disciplined ritual of reflection that prioritises mind-heart connection, is now a crucial part of my leading a sustainably fulfilling life.  

Whether on my own or guided by my psychologist, I approach each session without judgment & always, commit to being honest with myself, regardless of how confronting that may be.

Regular spoken or written reflection brings clarity to our thoughts, let’s go of what’s weighing us down & keeps us learning from the life we’ve just lived.  It supports informed decision making & helps us make sense of our life story.

As 2021 draws to a close, I’ve created a list of 12 questions designed to join the heart & mind through a quiet self-reflection.

To create your 2021 heart-mind story based on the mind strengthening elements of; connection, giving, purpose & learning.

Dedicate time to slowly ponder & write down your thoughts.  Your responses designed to support your decision making for the new year.  After all, how can you craft your best future without wringing the lessons from the year you’ve just lived?

 1.     What are you most proud of?

2.     What scenario would you have managed differently and how?

3.     How did you surprise yourself?

4.     What did you let go of & how would you describe how that made you feel?

5.     How did your personal values (what was most important to you) serve your decision making?

6.     How would those you serve describe your impact?

7.     Who or what challenged your thinking?

8.     When were you grateful for prioritising you rather than pleasing another?

9.     What difficult decision are you now grateful for making?

10.  What drained your emotional energy?

11.  Whose name do you hear that makes you smile?

12.  When did you feel most inspired?

As I look at my own written responses, I’m surprised by how much I’ve grown & gained in a year that seemed dominated by a script many of us couldn’t have made up if we’d tried.

One of the byproducts of that script, the priceless gift of surplus time.

Peta x

High performance coach | Keynote Speaker | Guest blogger

Author of My Beautiful Mess - Living through burnout & rediscovering me


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